How To Make a Crosscut and Minimize Tear-out on Plywood
There are times when you need to make a crosscut in a piece that’s much wider that the cut length of your miter saw. In this tech tip video, Tyler is going to demonstrate how to perform a crosscut without chipping or blowout.

Tyler suggest using a circular saw instead.
We also recommend flipping the piece over so that the good veneer of your plywood faces down. This will minimize tear on the good side of your piece.
On the other side we’ll use painter tape to cut through without tearing it.
Measure your tape placement and make sure you wrap it over the edge. Then measure for your final cut length.

In this case, Tyler is using a door board that he made as a sort of a DIY track saw to help guide the blade.

We’re now ready to cut!

No blowout or chipping, mission accomplished. also carries an extensive line of carbide tipped circular blades that produce clean smooth cuts with virtually no heat, no chips, and no blowout. 95% of the orders made are shipped out the same day the orders are placed and get delivered within a couple of days.
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